Time-Saving Tips for Travel Managers to Improve Productivity

travel manager

As travel managers, we understand the importance of time management and productivity. With so many tasks to juggle, from booking flights to arranging accommodations and ensuring traveler safety, it can be challenging to stay on top of everything. That’s why it’s crucial to implement time-saving tips and techniques to streamline processes and improve overall productivity. 

In this article, we will explore some practical strategies that travel managers can use to optimize their workflow, save time, and boost productivity. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or just starting in the travel management field, these tips will help you stay organized, efficient, and effective in your role.

How Travel Manager Book Workforce Travel Arrangements

1 – Communicate Travel Procedures

One of the first tasks that travel managers must undertake is to communicate travel procedures to their workforce. This includes outlining the company’s travel policy, providing guidelines for booking travel arrangements, and ensuring that travelers are aware of any procedures or requirements they need to follow. By doing so, travel managers can save time and avoid confusion or delays down the line.

2. Use Travel Management Software

Travel management software is an essential tool for travel managers looking to streamline their workflow. It can help with everything from booking flights and hotels to managing expenses, tracking itineraries, and communicating with travelers. By using a centralized platform, travel managers can save time and improve their productivity by having all the information they need in one place.

3. Book in Advance

Booking travel arrangements in advance can save time and money. By planning, travel managers can take advantage of discounts and promotions, avoid last-minute rush fees, and ensure that everything is in place before the trip. This also gives the travel manager enough time to resolve any issues that may arise, such as flight cancellations or hotel overbookings.

4. Centralize Data

Centralizing data is a crucial step in improving productivity for travel managers. By having all of the necessary information in one place, travel managers can quickly access and analyze data, track expenses, and monitor travel patterns. This can help them identify areas for improvement and make informed decisions that save time and money.

5. Automate Where Possible

Automating repetitive tasks such as data entry, expense tracking, and itinerary creation can save travel managers a significant amount of time. By using automation tools, travel managers can focus on higher-level tasks such as strategic planning and risk management, which require critical thinking and decision-making skills.

Three Ways Travel Managers Can Increase Efficiency 

1. Use Technology to Streamline Processes

Technology can help travel managers automate many time-consuming tasks, such as booking travel, tracking expenses, and communicating with travelers. By using travel management software and other tools, travel managers can streamline processes and reduce the time and effort required to manage travel.

2. Implement Clear Policies and Guidelines

Clear policies and guidelines can help travel managers make decisions quickly and with confidence. By establishing guidelines for travel expenses, booking procedures, and other aspects of travel management, travel managers can reduce confusion and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

3. Encourage Communication and Collaboration

Effective communication and collaboration are essential for travel managers to work efficiently. By encouraging open communication between travelers, travel managers, and other stakeholders, travel managers can identify potential issues and find solutions quickly. Collaboration tools such as shared calendars and project management software can also help travel managers work together more effectively.


To sum up, travel managers play a vital role in ensuring smooth business travel operations, and their productivity is critical to the success of their organizations. By implementing time-saving tips such as automating tedious tasks, using collaborative tools, and prioritizing tasks, travel managers can improve their productivity and save valuable time. Additionally, maintaining a healthy work-life balance, setting realistic goals, and continuously learning and improving can help travel managers stay motivated and productive. 

By following these time-saving tips, travel managers can enhance their efficiency, effectively manage their time, and achieve their goals, leading to better business outcomes for their organizations.

If you are looking for a CLC hotel locator app, try Globeo. Our corporate lodging solutions for crew travel throughout the USA, Canada, and Mexico. Our comprehensive reporting and 24/7 concierge service are powered by our online booking portal.

The Importance of a Travel Management Solution: What to Know

businessman travelling

Travel management is an essential aspect of any business that requires frequent travel. It involves organizing and managing travel arrangements such as flights, hotels, and transportation for employees. In today’s fast-paced business world, managing travel can be a daunting task, especially when dealing with multiple employees traveling to different destinations. This is where a travel management solution comes in handy. 

A travel management solution is a software tool that enables businesses to streamline travel management processes, save time, reduce costs, and ensure employee safety and compliance. In this article, we will explore the importance of a travel management solution and why businesses should consider investing in one.

Need For Travel Management Solution

1. Time-Efficient

A travel management solution automates the entire travel booking process, saving significant time for both employees and travel managers. It eliminates the need for manual booking and reduces the time spent on travel-related administrative tasks.

2. Cost-Effective

With a travel management solution, businesses can negotiate better deals with airlines, hotels, and other travel service providers. The solution enables travel managers to track expenses, identify cost-saving opportunities, and optimize travel budgets.

3. Increased Compliance

A travel management solution ensures that employees adhere to the company’s travel policies and guidelines. It provides real-time visibility into employee travel, enabling travel managers to monitor compliance and take corrective action if necessary.

4. Improved Employee Safety

A travel management solution provides access to real-time travel alerts, ensuring the safety and security of employees while traveling. It also enables travel managers to quickly locate employees in case of emergencies.

5. Enhanced Traveler Experience

A travel management solution provides employees with a user-friendly platform to book travel, access travel information, and manage travel-related expenses. It enhances the overall travel experience and reduces the stress associated with business travel.

How Travel Management Solutions Play Its Role?

Travel management solutions play a critical role in streamlining and managing business travel. They provide a centralized platform for managing all aspects of travel, from booking flights and hotels to tracking expenses and monitoring compliance. By automating many of the travel management processes, these solutions help reduce the time and effort required to manage business travel, allowing travel managers to focus on more strategic initiatives. 

They also provide real-time visibility into travel data, enabling travel managers to make informed decisions and take corrective action if necessary. Overall, travel management solutions help organizations save time and money, improve compliance and safety, and enhance the overall travel experience for employees.

Benefits Of Travel Management Solutions

1. Data Security

Travel management solutions offer data security by implementing secure channels and protocols to protect sensitive travel information. They also provide access control, which ensures that only authorized personnel can view or modify travel data.

2. Scalability

Travel management solutions are highly scalable, meaning they can easily accommodate changes in your travel needs as your organization grows. Whether you need to add new travelers, destinations, or booking channels, travel management solutions can quickly adapt to your changing requirements.

3. Audit And Fraud Detection

Travel management solutions incorporate audit and fraud detection features to help identify and prevent fraudulent activities. They can detect unusual travel patterns, such as bookings made outside of normal business hours or multiple bookings for the same trip, which could indicate fraudulent activity. Additionally, they can provide detailed reports and analytics to help identify areas of potential fraud and highlight any non-compliant activities.

4. Cost Savings

Travel management solutions can help organizations save money by providing access to negotiated rates and discounts, as well as enforcing travel policies and guidelines to prevent unnecessary spending. They also enable organizations to track and analyze travel expenses, allowing for better budgeting and cost control.

5. Streamlined Booking Processes

Travel management solutions streamline the booking process, making it easier and more efficient for travelers to book their trips. They offer a central booking platform that allows travelers to book flights, hotels, and other travel arrangements in one place, reducing the time and effort required to make travel arrangements. Additionally, they offer mobile apps and online booking tools, making it easy for travelers to book on the go.


Travel management solutions are essential for organizations that want to streamline and manage their business travel effectively. They offer a wide range of benefits, including cost savings, improved compliance, enhanced employee experience, and real-time visibility. By investing in a travel management solution, organizations can improve their travel management processes and achieve better outcomes for their business.

If you need assistance with CLC hotel lodging, GLobeo has you covered! We are proud to offer corporate lodging solutions for crew travel throughout the USA, Canada, and Mexico. Let us handle your bookings today!

7 Ways Companies Can Prepare for the Rise of Corporate Travel

woman corporate travel

Many businesses are considering resuming corporate travel as the global economy returns from the COVID-19 pandemic. As restrictions ease and companies look to reconnect with clients, partners, and employees worldwide, companies must be prepared for the rise in corporate travel. 

In this blog post, we’ll outline the key ways businesses can prepare for the resurgence of corporate travel and ensure a seamless and safe experience for all involved.

1. Establish Clear Travel Policies and Guidelines

These policies should outline the purpose of business travel, the approval process, and expense reimbursement. Additionally, it’s essential to include guidelines on health and safety protocols, such as vaccination requirements, COVID-19 testing, and quarantine procedures. Having a well-defined travel policy will ensure that employees understand their responsibilities and expectations while traveling on behalf of the company.

2. Keep Up-to-Date with Travel Restrictions and Regulations

Businesses must stay informed about the latest updates on international travel requirements, such as entry restrictions, quarantine measures, and vaccination or testing requirements. Companies should regularly monitor government advisories and consult with travel management companies to ensure they have the most up-to-date information. Awareness of these changes will enable businesses to plan and adapt their corporate travel strategies accordingly.

3. Implement a Robust Travel Risk Management Plan

This plan should outline the steps the company will take to ensure the safety and well-being of its employees while traveling. This may include pre-travel risk assessments, corporate accommodations, traveler tracking, and emergency response plans. By having a robust travel risk management plan in place, companies can mitigate potential risks and ensure the safety of their employees on the road.

4. Leverage Technology for Streamlined Travel Management

Like an online travel booking portal, travel management software can help businesses automate the booking process, track expenses, and monitor employee travel itineraries. Additionally, mobile apps can provide employees with real-time updates on their travel plans, access to essential travel documents, and even safety alerts in emergencies. Investing in the right technology can help businesses streamline their corporate travel processes, saving time and resources.

5. Focus on Employee Health and Well-being

As corporate travel resumes, businesses need to prioritize the health and well-being of their employees. This may include providing access to mental health resources, such as counseling services or stress management tools, for those anxious about returning to travel. Companies should also consider providing employees with resources on staying healthy while traveling, such as tips for maintaining a balanced diet, staying active, and getting enough sleep.

6. Encourage Flexible and Remote Work Options

In light of the pandemic, many businesses have discovered the benefits of remote work and the potential for increased flexibility in their workforce. As corporate travel resumes, companies should consider continuing to offer flexible work options for their employees. This could include allowing employees to work remotely when not traveling or offering a hybrid model of in-office and remote work. By providing flexibility, businesses can help ease the transition back into corporate travel and ensure employees maintain a healthy work-life balance.

7. Emphasize Environmental Sustainability

Companies should look for ways to reduce their carbon footprint and promote more sustainable travel practices. This may include choosing eco-friendly hotels and transportation options, offsetting carbon emissions, and encouraging employees to practice environmentally conscious habits while traveling. By emphasizing sustainability, businesses can contribute to the global effort to combat climate change while demonstrating corporate social responsibility.


As corporate travel starts to rebound, businesses must be prepared and adapt to the changing landscape. By implementing clear travel policies, organizations can not only navigate the challenges of resuming corporate travel but also seize the opportunities that come with it. As face-to-face interactions regain importance, businesses that prioritize and adapt their travel practices will be better positioned to foster relationships, drive growth, and thrive in the post-pandemic world.

Globeo has established itself as a reliable and efficient provider of corporate lodging solutions tailored for crew travels across the USA, Canada, and Mexico. By leveraging our state-of-the-art online travel booking portal, we offer a seamless experience for businesses needing to accommodate their crew members in various locations. Visit our booking portal now to explore corporate lodging rates and revolutionize your crew travel accommodations.

Why Businesses Should Consider Corporate Travel Management

corporate travel

Corporate travel is an essential aspect of modern business operations, allowing employees to attend conferences, client meetings, and training sessions across the nation and around the world. It is estimated that corporate travel expenses account for over a trillion dollars globally, making it a significant investment for companies of all sizes. But of course, many of these costs can be avoided if the right decisions are made, not to mention the time and energy needed to plan it all out. This is where corporate travel management comes in.

Today, we will dive into the concept of corporate travel management, exploring what it is and why businesses should consider opting for it:

What Is Corporate Travel Management?

Corporate travel management (CTM) is the process of planning, organizing, and managing a company’s travel arrangements for its employees. This includes booking flights, accommodations, and transportation and ensuring adherence to the company’s travel policies. CTM also involves monitoring travel expenses and finding ways to optimize travel costs while ensuring employee safety and productivity.

Many businesses choose to partner with corporate travel management agencies to handle these tasks. These agencies specialize in providing comprehensive travel management solutions, leveraging their expertise, technology, and industry connections to secure the best deals and streamline the travel process for their clients.

Why Should Businesses Opt For Corporate Travel Management Agencies?

1. Cost Savings

One of the primary reasons businesses choose to work with CTM agencies is the potential for significant cost savings. These agencies have established relationships with airlines, hotels, and ground transportation providers, allowing them to negotiate discounted rates and secure exclusive deals for their clients. Additionally, CTM agencies can help companies establish and enforce travel policies that encourage cost-effective travel choices, such as advanced booking and the use of preferred suppliers.

2. Time Savings

Planning and managing corporate travel can be a time-consuming process, particularly for businesses with frequent or complex travel needs. By partnering with a CTM agency, companies can delegate these tasks to experts, freeing up valuable time and resources for other essential business functions.

3. Expertise and Industry Knowledge

Corporate travel management agencies possess extensive knowledge of the travel industry and best practices for managing business travel. They have access to the latest tools and technologies for tracking expenses, monitoring travel trends, and ensuring compliance with travel policies. In other words, by working with a CTM agency, businesses can tap into this expertise, allowing them to make informed decisions about their travel programs and optimize their processes for maximum efficiency.

4. Duty of Care and Risk Management

Ensuring employee safety and well-being while traveling is a top priority for businesses. CTM agencies can support companies in fulfilling their duty of care responsibilities by providing real-time travel alerts, monitoring potential risks, and offering 24/7 support for employees on the road. This proactive approach to risk management helps businesses protect their employees and minimize disruptions to travel plans.

5. Data Analysis and Reporting

Finally, corporate travel management agencies can provide businesses with valuable insights into their travel programs through comprehensive data analysis and reporting. This information can help companies identify trends, uncover opportunities for cost savings, and track policy compliance. By leveraging these insights, businesses can make data-driven decisions to enhance their travel programs and drive continuous improvement.


In today’s fast-paced business environment, efficient and cost-effective corporate travel management is more critical than ever. By partnering with a corporate travel management agency, businesses can access the expertise, tools, and industry connections needed to optimize their travel programs. From cost savings and time savings to the duty of care and data-driven insights, the benefits of working with a CTM agency are clear. If your business is ready to take its corporate travel to the next level, consider exploring the services of a reputable corporate travel management agency today!

Globeo offers business accommodation services for team travel across the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Our extensive reporting and round-the-clock concierge support are fueled by our internet-based reservation platform. If you are looking for corporate hotels and more, reach out to us!

A Quick Guide to Corporate Hotel Rates


As a business traveler, finding suitable accommodation is crucial to ensure a comfortable, productive trip. However, staying within a budget is also important, which is why corporate hotel rates are a popular choice for many companies. In this guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about corporate hotel rates, including what they are, how to access them, and the benefits they offer:

What Are Corporate Hotel Rates?

Corporate hotel rates are discounted rates that hotels offer to businesses and organizations that frequently book rooms. These rates are usually negotiated between the hotel and the company and are typically lower than the hotel’s standard rates. Corporate hotel rates can be applied to individual bookings or group bookings, depending on the agreement between the hotel and the company.

How to Access Corporate Hotel Rates?

To access corporate hotel rates, businesses must establish a relationship with a hotel or hotel chain. This can be done by contacting the hotel’s sales team or corporate travel department to negotiate a deal. Alternatively, companies can use a corporate travel management company (TMC) to handle their accommodation needs. TMCs negotiate with hotels on behalf of their clients and offer a range of services, including booking and payment management.

Benefits of Corporate Hotel Rates

There are several benefits to using corporate hotel rates for business travel. Here are some of the advantages:

  • Cost Savings: The primary benefit of corporate hotel rates is cost savings. These rates are typically lower than the hotel’s standard rates, which can result in significant savings for businesses, especially for frequent travelers.
  • Consistent Pricing: With a negotiated corporate rate, businesses can expect consistent pricing across multiple hotels within the same chain. This makes budgeting and expense tracking easier, as there will be zero surprises when it comes to hotel costs.
  • Priority Booking: Many hotels offer priority booking to companies with corporate rates. This means businesses can secure rooms even during peak travel seasons when availability is limited.
  • Added Amenities: Some hotels offer additional amenities to corporate rate customers, such as complimentary breakfast or access to the hotel’s executive lounge. These perks can add value to a business trip and enhance the overall experience.

How to Get the Best Corporate Hotel Rates?

To get the best corporate hotel rates, businesses should follow these tips:

  • Negotiate: When negotiating corporate rates with a hotel, it’s crucial to understand the company’s accommodation needs clearly. This includes the number of travelers, the frequency of travel, and the preferred stay dates. By providing this information, businesses can negotiate a rate that meets their needs.
  • Compare: It’s vital to compare corporate rates across multiple hotels before deciding. This allows businesses to find the best deal and ensure they get value for their money.
  • Book Early: Booking early can help businesses secure the best rates and ensure availability. It’s also good to book in advance during peak travel seasons to avoid last-minute price hikes.
  • Use a TMC: Utilizing a TMC can help companies save both time and money by outsourcing their accommodation needs. TMCs have established relationships with hotels and can negotiate better rates for their clients.


Corporate hotel rates are a valuable tool for businesses to manage their accommodation needs and save money on business travel. By negotiating rates with hotels or using a TMC, businesses can access consistent pricing, priority bookings, and added amenities. By following the tips we outlined in this guide, businesses can ensure they are getting the best deal on corporate hotel rates and maximize their travel budget.

Globeo offers corporate accommodation services for crew members traveling across the United States, Canada, and Mexico. We provide extensive reports and round-the-clock concierge support through their web-based corporate hotel booking platform. Request a free demo today!

Business Travel Projections Show Promising Recovery

people lining up at the airport

Due to travel restrictions and safety concerns prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the business travel sector suffered a major decline, with many companies canceling or delaying their travel plans. However, recent business travel projections show a promising recovery on the horizon as vaccines become widely available and restrictions begin to lift.

This article discusses how recent business travel projections indicate a promising recovery in the industry despite the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Rise of Hybrid Meetings

One significant shift in the business travel industry is the rise of hybrid meetings. With many companies now embracing remote work and virtual meetings, it’s unlikely that business travel will return to pre-pandemic levels anytime soon. 

However, hybrid meetings that combine in-person and virtual attendance may become the new norm. A recent survey conducted by the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) indicates that a majority of respondents, 69 percent, anticipate that their respective companies will host more hybrid meetings in the coming days.

A Focus on Safety

As companies begin to resume business travel, safety remains a top priority. The GBTA survey found that 80 percent of respondents believe that travel suppliers, such as airlines and hotels, have done a good job of implementing safety measures. 

However, companies are taking additional precautions by requiring employees to be fully vaccinated before traveling and implementing strict protocols for testing, mask-wearing, and social distancing.

Increased Domestic Travel

While international travel may take longer to recover, domestic travel is already showing signs of improvement. According to an article in Forbes, the number of travelers passing through TSA checkpoints in the U.S. has steadily increased since the beginning of the year. 

The TSA screened over 2 million passengers on June 11, 2021, marking the highest number since March 2020.

The Importance of Flexibility

With the pandemic still ongoing, flexibility is more critical than ever for business travelers. Companies are now booking more refundable fares and allowing employees to change travel plans without penalty. 

Many airlines and hotels have also updated their cancellation policies to accommodate changing travel restrictions and safety concerns.

The Role of Technology

The use of technology has been crucial for the business travel sector during the pandemic and is expected to remain vital in the future. Virtual meetings and remote work have become the norm, and companies are investing in new technologies to make business travel safer and more efficient. 

For example, some airlines now offer touchless check-in and boarding, and hotels are implementing contactless check-in and keyless room entry.

Rising Demand for Short-Term Rentals

One trend that has emerged during the pandemic is the increasing popularity of short-term rentals, such as vacation homes and apartments, for business travel. According to a survey by the travel management company TripActions, 60 percent of business travelers said they would consider booking a vacation rental for business travel. 

This trend is likely driven by a desire for more space, privacy, and flexibility, as well as the availability of remote work.

Sustainable Travel

As companies become more environmentally conscious, sustainable travel is becoming a priority. Many companies are now implementing sustainable practices in their travel policies, such as choosing eco-friendly hotels and encouraging employees to use public transportation or carpooling. 

Some companies are even offsetting the carbon emissions from their business travel by investing in renewable energy projects or purchasing carbon credits.

The Importance of Personalization

As companies prioritize employee satisfaction and retention, they are looking for ways to make business travel more comfortable and enjoyable. This may include offering personalized travel itineraries, providing access to exclusive lounges or amenities, or offering rewards programs for frequent business travelers. 

By making business travel more personalized, companies can improve employee morale and productivity while also attracting and retaining top talent.


While the business travel industry may never return to pre-pandemic levels, recent projections show a promising recovery as companies embrace hybrid meetings, prioritize safety, increase domestic travel, and prioritize flexibility and technology. Business travel will undoubtedly continue to develop and adapt to satisfy the shifting needs of businesses and employees.

If you need a reliable online travel booking portal in Washington, PA, Globeo has you covered. Our corporate lodging solutions for crew travel throughout the USA, Canada, and Mexico are backed by comprehensive reporting and 24/7 concierge service, all powered by our user-friendly online booking portal. 

Trust our experienced team to help you streamline your travel booking process and make your next trip a success!

Small Business Travel Budget: How to Set and Stick to It


Small businesses often travel to meetings, conferences, or training sessions. However, budget constraints can make it difficult to plan and cover business travel expenses. Setting a small business travel budget is crucial to keep expenses under control while still achieving business goals. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to set a small business travel budget.

1. Define the Purpose of the Trip

Before setting a travel budget, it is essential to define the purpose of the trip. Is it to attend a conference or a meeting with clients? Is it for training or to explore new business opportunities? Determining the trip’s purpose will help estimate the required budget and allocate the expenses to the right categories.

2. Determine Your Business Travel Budget

Once you have identified your business travel needs, you can determine your travel budget. Consider all expenses associated with business travel, including airfare, lodging, meals, ground transportation, and incidentals. You should also factor in any additional costs, such as conference or equipment rental fees.

3. Calculate Transportation Costs

Transportation costs can be a significant part of the travel budget. To estimate transportation costs, consider all the modes of transportation that will be used during the trip, such as flights, rental cars, or taxis. Look for deals and discounts on flights and rental cars to save on expenses. Consider the location of the hotel or conference center and the distance from the airport or train station to estimate transportation costs accurately.

4. Determine Accommodation Expenses

Accommodation is another significant expense in business travel. Look for hotels that offer corporate lodging solutions to save on expenses. Corporate lodging solutions provide discounts on hotel bookings for business travelers. Consider the location, amenities, and accessibility of the hotel while estimating accommodation expenses. Look for hotels that offer complimentary breakfast and Wi-Fi to save on additional expenses.

5. Calculate Daily Expenses

Daily expenses such as meals and incidentals should also be included in the travel budget. Setting a daily allowance for meals, transportation, and other incidentals is recommended. Look for restaurants that offer corporate discounts or meal plans to save on expenses. Consider the location and availability of restaurants near the hotel or conference center while estimating daily expenses.

6. Allocate Miscellaneous Expenses

Miscellaneous expenses such as tips, parking, and laundry should also be considered while setting a travel budget. Allocate a separate category for miscellaneous expenses and set a budget accordingly. Look for hotels that offer complimentary laundry services to save on expenses. Keep a contingency fund for unexpected expenses that may arise during the trip.

7. Monitor and Track Expenses

Once the budget is set, monitoring and tracking expenses is essential to ensure that the spending stays within the allocated budget. Use expense-tracking software or apps to keep track of expenses and receipts. Review the expenses regularly and make adjustments if necessary.

Corporate Lodging Solutions: The Key to Saving on Business Travel Expenses

Setting a small business travel budget is crucial to keep expenses under control while still achieving business goals. Define the purpose of the trip, calculate transportation costs, determine accommodation expenses, and allocate daily expenses and miscellaneous expenses while setting the budget. Look for hotels that offer corporate lodging solutions and meal discounts to save on expenses. Monitor and track expenses regularly to ensure the spending stays within the allocated budget.

Are you looking for online travel booking portal services in Washington, PA? Globeo is here to make your business trips easy, manageable, and stress-free. Let Globeo simplify your crew accommodations process and at rates often up to 35% less than published rates! Contact us today to learn more about our online booking portal!

Mastering Per Diem: Knowing Its Definition and Calculation

working in a hotel room

Per diem is a term often used in the business world, particularly when it comes to travel expenses. It is a Latin term that means “per day” and refers to a daily allowance provided to employees, contractors, or other individuals while they are on official business travel. It is intended to cover the cost of lodging, meals, and incidental expenses incurred by travelers.

In this article, we will explore its definition, calculation, and tax implications. By understanding per diem, you can master the art of managing expenses while on official business travel.

The Technical Definition of Per Diem

Basically, it is a payment made to an individual for their expenses while on official business travel. As mentioned before, it is intended to cover the cost of lodging, meals, and incidental expenses that the traveler incurs while away from home. Per diem is often used to reimburse employees who travel for work, but it can also be used to pay contractors or other individuals who are working on a temporary basis.

It is provided as a flat rate that is determined by the employer or organization providing the payment. The per diem rate is intended to cover all of the traveler’s expenses while they are away from home, so they do not need to submit receipts for individual expenses.

The Calculation of Per Diem

The calculation of per diem can vary depending on the employer or organization providing the payment. In general, it is calculated based on the location and duration of the traveler’s trip. The rate is typically higher for locations with a higher cost of living, such as major cities or tourist destinations.

To calculate it, the employer or organization will typically use a per diem calculator or lookup table. These tools will provide a daily rate that is based on the traveler’s location and the purpose of their travel. It typically includes a portion of all their expenses.

For example, if a traveler goes to New York City for three days on official business, their per diem rate might be $300. The traveler would receive a total of $900 for their trip, which they could use to cover their expenses while they are away from home.

The length of the work trip is also taken into account when determining per diem charges for travel days. The length of time away from home can range from a few hours to more than a year and a half. When a journey lasts longer than 30 days, an employee will often receive no more than 75% of the ordinary daily rate because per diem is determined on a daily basis. The standard rate drops to 55% for stays longer than 180 days.

Per Diem vs. Actual Expenses

Per diem is often used as an alternative to reimbursing employees for their actual expenses while on official business travel. This can be beneficial for both the employer and the employee, as it simplifies the process and provides a predictable expense for the employer.

However, some employees may prefer to be actually reimbursed, especially if they are able to find lower-cost lodging or meals. In these cases, the employer may allow the employee to submit receipts for their actual expenses up to a certain limit.

It is important to note that employees cannot receive both per diem and reimbursement for their actual expenses for the same trip. Employees who receive them are not eligible for reimbursement for the same expenses.

Per Diem and Taxes

Per diem payments are generally considered taxable income for the recipient. However, if they are equal to or less than the federal per diem rate, it may be considered a nontaxable reimbursement for expenses. The federal per diem rate is determined by the General Services Administration (GSA) and varies depending on the location and time of year.

In order to qualify for nontaxable reimbursement, the per diem payment must be used for the traveler’s actual expenses while on official business travel. The excess amount is considered taxable income if the per diem payment exceeds the actual expenses.


Per diem is a daily allowance provided to employees, contractors, or other individuals to cover their expenses while on official business travel. It is intended to cover the cost of lodging, meals, and incidental expenses incurred by travelers. It is typically calculated based on the location and duration of the traveler’s trip and is often used as an alternative to reimbursing employees for their actual expenses. Overall, to master per diem, it is important to understand its definition, calculation, and tax implications, all of which we were able to tackle above.

If you are looking for a company that offers corporate lodging solutions in Roosevelt, UT, look no further than our services here at Globeo. We provide corporate lodging solutions for crew travel throughout the USA, Canada and Mexico, and our comprehensive reporting and 24/7 concierge service is powered by our online booking portal. Call us today for more information about our travel expense management services and our fees.

Understanding Tax Laws for Business Travel: A Guide

business travel

Going on business trips can be thrilling, but dealing with taxes can make it complex. When you venture to another state, it’s crucial to understand the tax rules to avoid any legal troubles. This article offers a summary of tax regulations for interstate travel. Furthermore, we’ll discuss corporate accommodations and their impact on your taxes.

State Taxes

You might have to pay state taxes when going on a business trip to another state. Each state has different tax regulations, so it’s crucial to know each state’s rules to prevent legal problems. Some states might require you to pay taxes on the income you make while working there, while others might not.

If you’re uncertain about the tax regulations in the state you’re visiting, it’s advisable to get in touch with the state’s tax department for assistance. Additionally, you can seek advice from a tax expert to help you understand the tax rules in various states.

Deductible Expenses

If you travel to another state for a business trip, you might be able to subtract some of your costs from your taxes. Expenses that can be deducted include travel expenses, accommodation, food, and other costs directly linked to your work-related journey.

To be eligible for deductions, your journey should be mainly for professional reasons. You should also have accurate documentation of your expenditures, such as receipts, to validate your deductions.

Corporate Lodging

Corporate lodging is a type of accommodation that is typically used by businesses to provide their employees with a place to stay while they are travelling for work. This can include hotels, motels, apartments, and other types of lodging.

You should know that staying in a corporate lodging can affect your taxes. If your company pays for your lodging directly, then you cannot deduct the lodging cost from your taxes. However, if you pay for the lodging yourself and your company reimburses you, you may be able to deduct the cost of the lodging from your taxes.

Maintaining records of your accommodation costs and any compensation you get from your employer is crucial to justify your deductions. Additionally, it’s a good idea to seek advice from a tax expert to make sure you’re following proper rules when claiming your accommodation expenses.

State and Local Taxes

In addition to state taxes, you may also be required to pay local taxes when you travel out of state for business purposes. Local taxes can include sales taxes, occupancy taxes, and other taxes specific to the area you are staying in.

If you don’t know the tax regulations in the region you’re visiting, you can contact the local tax office for assistance. Additionally, you can ask for help from a tax expert so you can understand the area’s tax rules.


When travelling out of state for business purposes, you should be aware of the tax guidelines to avoid any legal issues. You may be required to pay state and local taxes, and you may be able to deduct some of your expenses from your taxes.

Always consult a tax professional to follow the correct tax guidelines when travelling out of state because of work. They can help you navigate the tax laws of different states and ensure that you are following the correct guidelines when deducting your expenses.

Book your crew’s corporate lodging with Globeo today and enjoy seamless travel throughout the USA, Canada, and Mexico. Contact us now to learn more about our comprehensive solutions for your business needs.

The Benefits of Renting a Hotel Conference for Your Next Event

hotel conference room

When it comes to hosting a meeting or an event, finding the perfect venue can make all the difference between a successful and a dull gathering. Hotel conference room rentals offer an excellent solution for businesses, organizations, and individuals seeking a professional, elegant, well-equipped space for their next event. This article explores the advantages of renting conference rooms in corporate hotels and why it is a smart choice for your next meeting or event.

Prime Location and Accessibility

One of the most significant advantages of hotel conference rooms is their prime location. Corporate hotels are often strategically situated in city centers, business districts, or near major transportation hubs, making them easily accessible for attendees. This convenience not only helps to maximize attendance but also reflects positively on the host organization. 

In addition, hotel conference rooms are typically located within the hotel premises, providing a seamless experience for out-of-town attendees who choose to stay at the hotel. It eliminates additional transportation arrangements and allows participants to focus on the event rather than navigating an unfamiliar city.

Professional and Elegant Atmosphere

Hotel conference rooms are designed to create a professional and elegant atmosphere conducive to productive and engaging meetings. These spaces often feature tasteful décor, comfortable seating, and ambient lighting that promotes focus and collaboration. Choosing a hotel conference room for your event signals to attendees that you value their time and have invested in creating a high-quality experience for them. 

State-of-the-Art Technology and Equipment

In today’s digital world, having access to reliable technology is crucial for a successful meeting or event. Hotel conference rooms typically have cutting-edge audiovisual equipment, high-speed internet access, and other essential tools like flipcharts, whiteboards, and projectors. It ensures that your presentations, video conferences, and interactive sessions run smoothly without technical hiccups.  

Furthermore, hotel conference rooms often have on-site technical support staff available to assist with any issues that may arise, giving you peace of mind and allowing you to focus on delivering a successful event.

Customizable Catering Options

One of the critical elements of any successful meeting or event is providing attendees with delicious and satisfying food and beverages. Hotel conference room rentals often include access to the hotel’s catering services, which can create customized menus to suit your event’s specific needs and preferences. From coffee breaks to multi-course banquets, hotel catering services can accommodate various dietary restrictions and preferences, ensuring guests are well-fed and energized throughout the event.

Flexible Space and Capacity

Hotel conference rooms come in various sizes and configurations, allowing you to select the perfect space for your event. Corporate hotels can accommodate your needs, whether you need an intimate boardroom for a small team meeting or a large ballroom for a company-wide conference. Additionally, many hotels offer the option to combine or divide rooms, allowing you to adjust the space as your event’s requirements change.

Professional Event Planning Assistance

Organizing a meeting or event can be a complex and time-consuming process. Many hotels offer professional event planning assistance as part of their conference room rental packages, providing valuable support and expertise throughout the planning process. It may include coordinating room set-up, arranging for audiovisual equipment, and liaising with catering services. This additional support ensures that your event runs smoothly and that every detail is handled so you can focus on your attendees.


Hotel conference room rentals are an intelligent choice for your next meeting or event, offering a range of benefits that can contribute to a successful and memorable gathering. With a prime location, elegant atmosphere, state-of-the-art technology, customizable catering options, flexible space, and professional event planning assistance, hotel conference rooms provide the ideal setting for productive and engaging events. Make the smart choice and consider a hotel conference room rental for your next meeting or event.

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