Frequently Asked Questions on Business Travel Policy

Business Traveling

Business travel can be an important part of a company’s success. It can help build relationships with clients and potential customers and allow employees to attend important meetings and conferences.

However, business travel can also be expensive and time-consuming. That’s why companies need to have a business travel policy in place. A business travel policy can help a company control its travel expenses and ensure that employees are only traveling when necessary. It can also help employees stay safe and productive while on the road.

If your company doesn’t have a business travel policy, now is the time to create one. Here are commonly asked questions about business travel policies:

Is Your Corporate Travel Policy Sufficient for Employee Needs?

A majority of people are not content with their business travel experience. This can have a negative effect on how well they perform at their job. To avoid this, companies should consider the needs of their employees when making a travel policy. The policy should also be easy to follow and have clear explanations as to why it benefits everyone to stick to it.

Do You Improve Your Current Policy Using Travel Data?

As the cost of living and travelling vary significantly from place to place, are there ways to save money by making slight changes to your plans? For example, are there cheaper hotels in certain areas of cities? Could you avoid the expense of last-minute bookings by booking in advance?

Do You Express Appreciation for Employees’ Compliance?

Make sure to thank your business travellers for their mindful use of company resources and for following company travel policies. You can show your appreciation by giving them rewards that they can trade in for cash, discounts, or other prizes. Keep in mind that some of these rewards may be taxable.

Is There Training on Using Your Corporate Travel Policy?

Many businesspeople travel frequently, but if it’s their first trip with your company, you should still train them on your company’s travel protocol. There are many ways to do this–in person, in a group, or online. In addition to a read-through, the training should also cover various examples of how to respond to possible events–especially those that involve safety. Too many businesses neglect to do this. This is an important step that must be completed.

Do You Have Channels to Contact Your Employees?

The travel policy should include travel contact information such as work and personal mobile numbers, local cell numbers if used, hotel or accommodation details and a number that can be reached at home. If your employees work in high-risk countries, setting up daily or weekly situation reports is advisable.

Are You Updated on Trends in Business Travel?

The corporate travel industry is evolving quickly due to changing technology and the economy. This is causing businesses to change their travel policies. Risk management tools are being used more to protect employees and communicate with them during events.

Bleisure is a travel trend that mixes business with pleasure. Many employees want to be able to work and explore various cultures while on vacation to revitalize their energy and reduce stress. Some companies are getting creative with ways to reduce costs associated with Bleisure travel, such as budget airlines, lower star hotels, and video conferencing.


Business travel policies are obviously crucial for several reasons. First, they help to ensure that employees are aware of the expectations and requirements of the company when it comes to travel. 

Second, these policies can help to save the company money by outlining how expenses should be managed and controlled. Finally, business travel policies can help promote safety and security for employees when they are away from the office.

If you need a hotel locator app in Kenedy, turn to Globeo. We provide corporate lodging solutions for crew travel throughout the USA, Canada and Mexico. Our comprehensive reporting and 24/7 concierge service are powered by our online booking portal. Request a free demo today!

Top 5 Ways Employee Booking Affects Business Expenses

employee booking

Employee booking is a process that many businesses use to track the amount of time their employees spend on job-related tasks. Unfortunately, it can negatively impact a business’s bottom line if not managed properly. Businesses can better allocate resources and plan for future projects by tracking employee time. 

However, if employee booking is not done correctly, it can lead to overbilling, delayed payments, and other financial issues. In this article, we will discuss how employee booking can hurt your bottom line and what steps you can take to prevent it from happening. 

How Employee Booking Affects Spending

In today’s competitive business landscape, companies must be more reasonable than ever with their spending. Managing employee bookings is one of the most important ways to control how much money is spent. Employee bookings can significantly impact a company’s spending, and it’s important to understand the implications of these bookings.

A CLC lodging app or travel expense management app is a revolutionary new way to book accommodation online. The app is designed to make finding accommodation much easier and more convenient. With a CLC lodging app, you can book a hotel room, a hostel, an apartment, or even a private residence, all with the touch of a button.

Why do you need a corporate lodging solution? Here are ways in which inefficient booking can affect your bottom line:

Employees Are Scheduling Travel During Work Hours

Your team is likely making travel arrangements while at work when they should focus on their project. A company that organizes travel streamlines the procedure and handles most of the labor-intensive tasks for the traveler. 

An online booking portal can offer cutting-edge technology that facilitates activities and makes them more successful, even when the traveler is compelled to participate (submitting expenses, etc.).

Employees Lack the Necessary Tools

If an employee books a trip alone but cannot go, getting her money back may be challenging or impossible (due to illness, an emergency, or any other situation). In some circumstances, an online booking solution might be able to cancel these tickets on your behalf even before the company is billed for them. 

Instead of having unsold access, a travel management platform frequently assists staff members in rebooking flights without incurring a premium.

Employees Are Not Following Your Travel Policy

Having confidence that every employee is abiding by the travel policy is one of the most challenging management tasks. Although an occasional hotel upgrade or upgraded airfare may not seem like much, the total might increase quickly if several employees take advantage of it. 

When arranging travel for your staff, a CLC hotel lodging app will ensure that all the rules outlined in your policy are followed.

Employees Book Through Various Vendors

While your employee may have preferred that airline or hotel, it may not be the most fantastic deal; the CLC hotel lodging app can help your business save money by consolidating bookings to several providers. You and your staff will get preferred rates, special offers, and free upgrades when you make reservations with the airlines, hotels, or rental car agencies your company has selected.

Employees Are Not Able to Maximize Rewards 

Frequent flyer programs can save corporations hundreds of thousands of dollars annually when appropriately handled. Staff members who make their reservations might not be interested in the points and miles that can be accumulated. A CLC hotel lodging in Laredo strives to ensure that businesses correctly get and redeem frequent flyer miles by integrating your services and making intelligent reservations.


Employee booking is a major factor that can hurt your bottom line. It increases operational costs, reduces employee productivity, and causes customer dissatisfaction. Furthermore, it can increase customer attrition, employee stress, and decreased profits. Taking proactive steps to eliminate employee booking in your organization is vital. Proper training, clear policies, and effective monitoring can help reduce employee booking and improve your bottom line.

Globeo provides corporate lodging solutions for crew travel throughout the USA, Canada, and Mexico. Our online booking portal powers our comprehensive reporting and 24/7 concierge service. Get a CLC lodging app or travel expense management portal! 

Risks of Requiring Shared Hotel Rooms for Employees

hotel room

It is common practice for businesses to send their employees on business trips for various reasons, such as attending conferences, meeting clients, or exploring new market opportunities. While expanding its operations could benefit the company, some pitfalls must be avoided. One of these is asking two or more employees to share a hotel room. 

While this is a cost-saving measure, it could have disastrous consequences if suitable protocols are not followed. Read on to learn why asking employees to share a hotel room is not a good idea and how employers can ensure the safety of all their traveling staff.

1. Potential for Uncomfortable Situation

Companies paying their workers to stay in hotels together on business trips can lead to awkward interactions. Overcrowding, for example, or employees having widely divergent preferences about nap times or weather, can be embarrassing and inconvenient for everyone involved.

Employers should provide clear guidelines and expectations to ensure employees feel safe and respected when sharing a hotel room. They may also consider implementing a buddy system or other safety measures.

2. Impact on Employee Morale

Employee morale is one of the most important aspects of a successful and effective business. Therefore, requiring shared hotel rooms for employees can considerably impact employee morale. When employees are asked to share a hotel room, their sense of privacy and personal space can be infringed upon, leading to discomfort, resentment, and dissatisfaction.

3. Risk of Unprofessional Behavior

Sharing a room can be uncomfortable and create tension between coworkers, potentially resulting in improper and unacceptable conduct. It can include making inappropriate comments or jokes, arguing, or invading each other’s privacy. It can also lead to unwanted physical contact and sexual harassment.

Employers are responsible for ensuring their workers are safe and respecting each other’s boundaries. They should set clear expectations for their employees to minimize the risk of unprofessional behavior. 

4. Risk of Privacy Issues

 Employees may feel their privacy is compromised due to sharing a room and potentially undesired intimate contact. There is also the risk of compromising confidential information/documents. These risks can be mitigated if employers are mindful of the risks associated with requesting shared hotel rooms and make clear to employees what policies and standards will be in place during such travel.

5. Impact on Team Dynamics

Sharing a hotel room can increase the risk of negative impact on team dynamics among employees. The proximity of sharing a limited space with another individual, unfamiliar or otherwise, can create anxiety or uneasiness in employees. It can lead to decreased productivity and engagement of the team members, resulting in poorer quality work.


It is essential to learn the potential risks of requiring shared hotel rooms for employees before deciding to let them do so. The employer should weigh the pros and cons of such a decision, taking into account the safety and well-being of their employees. 

Asking for feedback from existing employees and consulting with experts can also help make an informed decision about whether or not to allow shared hotel rooms. Doing this will ensure that the decision taken is based on all available information and ultimately puts the well-being of employees first.

Are you searching for clc hotel lodging in Utah? Check out Globeo! Our list of recommended hotels is regularly updated, keeping in mind the specific demands of our clientele. Our hotel partnerships department is always looking for new organizations to partner with so that we can meet the needs of our customers in terms of price, proximity, and convenience. Contact us now!

The Importance of Complying with Corporate Travel Policy

business travel

When it comes to business travel, employees must adhere to your company’s travel policy. A corporate travel policy is implemented to help control travel costs and ensure that employees follow the company’s guidelines when booking travel.

In this article, you will learn more about motivating your employees to comply with your corporate travel policy. Keep reading.

Regulating Travel-Related Expenses

When it comes to business travel, there are several reasons why it’s vital to comply with your company’s travel policy. For one, doing so can help to reduce travel expenses. By following the guidelines in your travel policy, you can help ensure that your company is getting the best possible rates on travel-related costs. 

Additionally, complying with your company’s travel policy can help ensure that you comply with company regulations. This is important because failure to comply with company regulations could result in severe consequences, such as termination of employment. So, if you’re planning business travel, familiarize yourself with your company’s travel policy and follow it. 

Upholding the Reputation and Value of the Company

If you’re a business traveller, you know that there are a lot of rules and regulations to follow when it comes to corporate travel. And while it may be tempting to break the rules occasionally, it’s important to remember that doing so can result in serious consequences.

Some of the most common consequences of non-compliance with corporate travel policy include:

  • Disciplinary action from the company

This is perhaps the most obvious consequence of breaking the rules. If you’re caught violating corporate travel policy, you can expect to face some sort of disciplinary action from your employer. This could range from a formal warning to being fired from your job, so it’s definitely not something to take lightly.

  • Increased costs for the company

When employees break the rules and book their own travel arrangements, it often leads to increased costs for the company. This is because the company is often forced to pay for last-minute or emergency travel arrangements, which can be quite expensive.

  • Inconvenience for other employees

When someone doesn’t follow the corporate travel policy, it can often inconvenience other employees. For example, if someone books their own travel arrangements and then has to cancel at the last minute, it can throw off the whole travel schedule and cause problems for everyone involved.

  • Damage to the company’s reputation

Employees constantly breaking the rules and defying corporate travel policy can damage the company’s reputation. This is because it makes the company look disorganized and unprofessional, which can discourage potential customers and clients from doing business with them.

Ensuring a Positive Travel Experience for All

Complying with corporate travel policy can help to ensure a positive travel experience for all involved. By following the policy, employees can be sure that they are getting the best possible rates for their travel and that they are not spending company money unnecessarily. Additionally, following policies can help prevent travel problems, such as missed flights or lost luggage.

Of course, complying with corporate travel policy is not always easy. Employees may be tempted to book their travel arrangements to get a better deal or avoid the hassle of dealing with corporate travel. However, it is essential to remember that the company travel policy is in place for a reason. 

The Bottom Line

A corporate travel policy exists to protect the company’s interests and ensure that employees spend company money wisely when they travel. This is why employees should be aware of the policy and what it entails. Compliance with corporate travel policy is essential for any business wanting to save on travel expenses. 

For a hotel locator app in Kenedy, check out Globeo. We provide corporate lodging solutions for crew travel throughout the USA, Canada and Mexico. Our comprehensive reporting and 24/7 concierge service are powered by our online booking portal. Request a free demo.

Finding Suitable Workers’ Accommodation Abroad

woman on business trip

More and more companies are offering their employees the opportunity to relocate abroad. This can be an excellent opportunity to learn about different cultures and understand various business approaches.

If your company is relocating you to work in another country, you may be wondering what your options are for accommodation. A great choice for many people in this situation is corporate housing, specifically designed for people traveling for work or who are relocating for a new project. 

In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about workers’ accommodation abroad, including what corporate housing is and how it can benefit you.

Looking for a Place to Stay 

If you are looking for a place to stay and your company is willing to book your accommodation, they will most likely look for hotels or compare prices on different websites. However, if you are looking for housing on your own, you may want to consider using a marketplace like Airbnb, which offers a broader range of property types and prices. 

Another great option is corporate housing, designed specifically for employees who need a place to stay for a medium-term stay. Corporate housing often provides better quality for a better price.

Working abroad can be a great experience, but it’s essential to be flexible. Contracts can change, and you may be asked to stay longer than expected. If you’re using short-term holiday rentals, you may not be able to extend your stay, as they’re usually booked well in advance.

Why Opt for Corporate Housing 

Corporate housing is a great option for businesses that need to house their employees for an extended time, as it provides a comfortable and convenient place to stay. Additionally, corporate housing is often more affordable than other options, such as hotel stays or vacation rentals.

There are many reasons why corporate housing is attractive to businesses. One of the main reasons is the flexibility it offers. With a temporary contract, it is easy to extend your stay if needed. You can also negotiate terms that work best for you. Whether you want a weekly or monthly agreement, you can find an option that suits your needs.

Here are other advantages you may want to consider:

  • Affordability

Corporate housing is an excellent alternative to hotels for business travelers or anyone looking for a long-term stay. It is usually more affordable than a hotel and often offers more space and amenities than a hotel room.

  • Convenience 

A corporate housing company provides temporary housing for employees who are relocating for work. The company offers a furnished apartment or home for the employee and handles all the details of the move. 

This includes managing the property, paying bills, and providing customer service. The employee pays one monthly bill to the corporate housing company, which covers all expenses.

  • Efficiency

When you use a corporate housing provider or relocation agency, they will help you find a place to stay that meets your needs and requirements. This can save you a lot of time and stress, as you won’t have to worry about finding a place to live on your own.

  • Flexibility 

Corporate housing providers specialize in providing properties for corporate clients, which means they are more likely to accommodate any specific requests you might have. If you are relocating with a team, the layout of the properties could potentially be changed to suit your needs.


The importance of workers’ accommodation abroad cannot be understated. Workers need to have a safe and comfortable place to stay while they are away from home, and it can make a big difference in their overall experience. There are several factors to consider when choosing accommodation, and it is important to do your research to find the best option for your needs. 

If you are looking for corporate accommodations, turn to Globeo. We provide corporate lodging solutions for crew travel throughout the USA, Canada, and Mexico. Our comprehensive reporting and 24/7 concierge service are powered by our online booking portal. Request a free demo.

5 Best Practices in Booking a Group Hotel for Businesses

booking a hotel online

Booking accommodations for a holiday is not a challenging task. Through advancements in technology, booking a hotel is at everyone’s fingertips. However, it is different when it comes to booking accommodations for companies.

Therefore, it helps to research and find out the best ways to secure rooms for multiple employees going on a business trip or a corporate outing. But what should companies do to make booking hotels easier? Here are some ideas.

1. Look at Amenities

When choosing a hotel for your business trip, it is essential to research the amenities offered. Look for hotels that offer amenities that are necessary for business travelers, such as a business center, free Wi-Fi, and meeting rooms. These should come in handy for companies in the future.

Companies also want to ensure the hotel offers a business center with computers, printers, and other office equipment. It is essential for completing any last-minute tasks or printing important documents. Many hotels will also offer complimentary printing services.

2. Ensure Accessibility

Business travelers must ensure the hotel they choose is accessible and easy. Look for hotels near airports or bus stations or those with easy access to public transportation. The best hotels should come easy to find or access, from usual travelers to companies.

Companies should also ensure that the hotel is close to the business destination. It will allow employees to quickly and easily reach where they need to go. Additionally, ensure the hotel offers parking for guests to make it easier for those bringing their cars.

3. Check Dietary Offerings

Business travelers should also consider the dietary offerings of the hotel they are feeling. Many hotels offer various options, including vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free meals. Consider the needs of all travelers and ensure the hotel can accommodate them.

It is also essential to consider the overall health of the guests. Hotels that offer a fitness center or pool can benefit travelers who want to stay active. It can also help reduce stress and make a more enjoyable trip.

4. Read Reviews

Take the time to read reviews online. Reviews can provide valuable insight into the quality of the hotel, its customer service, and its overall experience. Additionally, reviews can provide information about the amenities and services offered by the hotel.

Reading reviews can help travelers make informed decisions and ensure they select the best option for their needs. Additionally, reviews can help travelers ensure they get the best value for their money as they accurately depict past guests.

5. Consider Safety

Safety is an essential factor to consider when selecting a hotel. Research the hotel’s safety record, read reviews and look for safety-related certifications. Additionally, look for hotels with safety features such as key-card access, security cameras, and other safety measures.

Finally, ask the hotel staff about their safety protocols and procedures. It will help ensure peace of mind when staying at the hotel. Remember that being in a hotel doesn’t mean security should be compromised. Instead, heightened security is much more important to keep guests safe.


When selecting a hotel, it’s essential to consider various factors. Start by researching the hotel’s location and amenities, then narrow down your choices by looking at the hotel’s pricing, customer service, and reviews. Additionally, consider the hotel’s safety record and features to ensure a safe stay. With these tips, you’ll be able to find the perfect hotel for your next vacation or business trip.

Globeo is one of the best corporate lodging companies offering crew travel solutions to the USA, Canada, and Mexico. Through our 24/7 concierge service, businesses can ensure their travels are safe and reliable. Book a schedule on our website today.

Tips to Find Corporate Accommodation in Unfamiliar Locations


Finding corporate accommodation in unfamiliar locations can be a stressful experience. It can also be a time-consuming and expensive endeavor. But with the right tips and advice, it doesn’t have to be. Here are some tips for finding corporate accommodation in unfamiliar locations that can make the process easier and less overwhelming.

1. Research the Area

Before you even start looking for corporate accommodation, it’s a good idea to research the area you’ll be visiting. Read up on the local culture, attractions, and amenities so you can get a better understanding of what to expect.

2. Think about Your Budget

Corporate accommodation can range from budget to luxury, so it’s important to think about your budget and what type of accommodation will best suit your needs.

3. Consider the Location

When looking for corporate accommodation, it’s important to consider the location and how far it is from the office or any other destinations you may need to visit while in town.

4. Look into Local Corporate Housing

Corporate housing is an increasingly popular option for business travelers looking for corporate accommodation in unfamiliar places. Corporate housing is typically more affordable than a traditional hotel and can offer more privacy and convenience.

5. Use Online Resources

There are a number of online resources available for finding corporate accommodation in unfamiliar locations. From hotel booking sites to corporate housing websites, these resources can help you find the perfect corporate accommodation for your stay.

6. Reach Out to Local Contacts

If you have contacts in the area, don’t hesitate to reach out and ask them for advice and recommendations. They may be able to provide you with valuable insights into the local corporate accommodation scene.

7. Consider Safety

Safety is an important factor when it comes to finding corporate accommodation in unfamiliar locations. Research the area and make sure that the accommodation is located in a safe area. 

8. Read Reviews

Reviews are a great way to get a feel for the quality of the accommodation. Read through reviews from past guests and take their opinions into consideration.

9. Look for Corporate Accommodation Discounts

Many businesses offer corporate discounts on stays. Ask your employer or the business you’re visiting to see if they have any deals available. This can help you save money on your stay. 

10. Book Early 

To make sure you get the best rate and availability, it’s important to book your corporate accommodation early. This will also give you time to make changes if you need to. 

11. Compare Prices

Once you’ve narrowed your search, comparing prices between different corporate accommodation options is important. This is a great way to ensure you get the best value for your money.

12. Contact the Landlord

Once you’ve found a corporate accommodation that meets your needs, contact the landlord. Ask about their policies and make sure you understand them. This will help ensure that your stay in the corporate accommodation is a positive one.


Finding corporate accommodation in unfamiliar locations can be a stressful process. However, it can be done quickly and easily with the right knowledge and approach. By researching the area and asking for recommendations from the locals, you can find the perfect accommodation for your needs. 

Additionally, you can use online resources to compare prices and services. By understanding the different services and amenities offered, you can make the most of your stay in a foreign location. Finally, it is always advisable to book in advance, as this will ensure that the accommodation is available and that you have time to make any changes if necessary. 

By following these tips, you can ensure a comfortable and safe stay in an unfamiliar location.

Are you looking to book international corporate lodging? Look no further than Globeo! Globeo is the leading provider of corporate lodging solutions for crew travel throughout the USA, Canada, and Mexico. Our team of experienced professionals will work with you to assess your crew’s requirements and find the best lodging solution for your needs. So don’t wait any longer – book your corporate lodging with Globeo today!

Unraveling the Challenges Regarding Corporate Travel

Corporate travel

Corporate travel can be daunting for companies, especially with the ever-changing demands of the modern business world, ranging from cost restraints to safety requirements. Each of these challenges, when faced alone, can be difficult to overcome, but when taken together, they can spell the difference between success and failure for a corporate travel plan. Here are the biggest challenges for corporate travel professionals today.

1. Finding Accommodations

One of the biggest challenges for corporate travel is finding suitable accommodations. With corporate lodging solutions, companies can easily find the right accommodations. Corporate lodging solutions provide various business options, including hotels, apartments, serviced apartments, and extended-stay hotels. Companies can choose the accommodation that best suits their budget, preferences, and needs.

2. Organizing Transportation

When organizing corporate travel, the challenge is finding the most convenient and cost-effective means of transportation and safely organizing the travelers and their belongings. Corporate travel often involves several people with specific needs and destinations, so effective coordination between all parties is essential.

3. Managing Travel Expenses

Another challenge for corporate travel is managing travel expenses. Corporate lodging solutions can help to manage travel costs by providing discounts on accommodations. Corporate lodging solutions can also provide discounts on transportation costs and other services, such as car rental and airport transfers. This can reduce the overall cost of travel and ensure that businesses get the best value for their money.

4. Prioritizing Safety

Safety is paramount when it comes to corporate travel. Companies must ensure their travelers are safe as they move about and safeguard their belongings. In some cases, such as international trips, this may involve additional measures such as employing guards or hiring armed escorts.

5. Tracking Employees

Another challenge of corporate travel is tracking employees. This can be especially difficult if the business sends multiple employees to different locations. Keeping track of an employee’s whereabouts while they are on a business trip can be difficult, as well as ensuring they stay safe and secure. In addition to tracking the employee, tracking spending, such as meals and other expenses, can also be difficult.

6. Managing Travelers Expectations

In addition to the logistical elements of corporate travel, another challenge is managing travelers’ expectations. While travel can be rewarding, it can also be stressful, and companies must ensure they are doing their best to keep travelers happy while they are away. This may involve providing assistance with accommodation, planning leisure activities, or compensating for long wait times.

7. Creating a Culture of Compliance

Lastly, corporate travelers must comply with their destinations’ regulations and expectations. This may involve adhering to local laws, respecting cultural differences, or actions such as avoiding contact with certain persons. Companies must work to create a culture of compliance among their travelers to help ensure that these requirements are met.


Corporate travel presents many challenges, but with the right planning, they can be overcome. By understanding the biggest challenges and preparing accordingly, companies can ensure their corporate travel plans are successful and cost-effective. Moreover, corporate lodging solutions can greatly assist businesses in streamlining their corporate travel operations. With the right corporate lodging solutions, businesses can be provided the support they need to ensure their corporate travel operations are efficient, cost-effective, and secure.

Are you in need of corporate lodging solutions? Globeo provides corporate lodging solutions for crew travel throughout the USA, Canada, and Mexico. Our online booking portal powers our comprehensive reporting and 24/7 concierge service. Request a free demo today!

How is Per Diem Calculated – Everything Need to Know

The General Services Administration (GSA) sets the rate recommendations for per diem. The rates are not law; your actual per diem rate may vary depending on your employer and where you’re traveling.

If you’re new to per diem or just curious about how it works, you’re in the right place. This guide will give you everything you need to know about how your employer calculates per diem. We’ll cover what counts as a travel day, taxes, and more.

So whether you’re considering taking a per diem job or just want to learn more, keep reading!

What Is Per Diem?

Per diem is a Latin term that literally means “per day.” In business, per diem is often used to refer to a daily allowance given to employees to cover expenses while traveling for work. Per diem can also be used more broadly to refer to any allowance given on a daily basis, such as an allowance for food or lodging.

What is Business Travel Per Diem?

When an employee travels for business, their employer may give them a per diem allowance to cover food and lodging costs. The allowance amount is typically based on the location of the travel and the length of the stay. For example, an employee traveling for business to New York City may receive a higher per diem allowance than an employee traveling for business to a small town.

Business travel per diem allowances are typically given in addition to the employee’s regular salary or an hourly wage. The allowance covers extra expenses that the employee incurs while traveling, such as the cost of meals not provided by the employer and the price of a hotel room.

What are Per Diem Rates?

Per diem rates are the daily allowances that employers give employees to cover food and lodging costs while traveling for business. The rates are typically based on the location of the travel and the length of the stay. For example, an employee may get $110 per day for food and travel costs for every day of an overnight trip or $55 per day for food and travel costs if they are not staying overnight.

Things to Know About Per Diem Rates

When an employer gives their employees a per diem allowance, there are a few things that the employees should keep in mind:

  1. The per diem allowance is meant to cover the extra costs of business travel, such as the cost of meals and lodging. It is not meant to cover the cost of transportation or other expenses.
  2. The per diem allowance is typically given in addition to the employee’s regular salary or hourly wage.
  3. The per diem amount may vary depending on the location of the travel and the length of the stay.
  4. The per diem allowance is considered taxable income by the IRS.
  5. Employees should keep track of their expenses while traveling to accurately report the amount of the per diem allowance they use.

Per diem rates may differ depending on your length of stay and location. Employees should check with their employer to see what the per diem rates are for their business travel.

Types of Per Diem Rates

There are two main types of per diem rates: the federal per diem rate and the non-federal per diem rate.

The federal per diem rate is set by the General Services Administration (GSA) and is used by many employers, including the federal government. The federal per diem rate for a particular location is the maximum amount an employer can reimburse an employee for food and lodging expenses.

The non-federal per diem rate is not set by the GSA and can be used by any employer. Non-federal per diem rates may be higher or lower than the federal per diem rate for a particular location.

Employees should check with their employer to see what type of per diem rate they will get for their business travel.

How Is Per Diem Pay Calculated on Travel Days?

There are a few different ways to calculate per diem. The most common method is to base the per diem on the federal per diem rates set by the General Services Administration (GSA). These rates are updated annually and consider the cost of lodging, meals, and other incidentals.

Another common method is to base the per diem on a percentage of the employee’s regular salary or hourly wage. For example, an employer may give their employees a per diem allowance equaling 50% of their regular salary while traveling for business.

Employees should check with their employer to see how they calculate the per diem pay.

Per Diem Guidelines

When an employer gives their employees a per diem allowance, there are a few guidelines that the employees should follow:

  • Employees should keep track of their expenses while traveling so that they can accurately report the amount of the per diem allowance that they have used.
  • Employees should only use the per diem allowance for business expenses, such as the cost of meals and lodging. The per diem allowance is not meant to cover the cost of transportation or other personal expenses.
  • Employees should check with their employer to see what the per diem rates are for their business travel.
  • Employees should keep track of their expenses so that they can accurately report the amount of the per diem allowance that they have used.

Frequently Asked Questions on Per Diem

Here are the most common questions we get about Per Diems.

Are Employers Required to Offer Per Diem?

No, employers are not required to offer per diem payments. Per diem is simply a way for employers to reimburse their employees for business travel expenses in a tax-free and convenient manner.

Is Per Diem Taxable?

No, Per Diem is not taxable. The IRS considers Per Diem a “working condition fringe benefit,” and as such, it is not subject to income or payroll taxes.

Is Per Diem Considered Income?

No, Per Diem is not considered income. Again, Per Diem is a “working condition fringe benefit,” according to the IRS. Therefore it is not subject to income or payroll taxes.

Can You Write Off Per Diem?

Employees cannot write off per diem payments on their taxes. On the other hand, employers can write off Per Diem they pay their employees.

Do You Report Per Diem on a W-2?

No, Per Diem is not reported on a W-2. Since Per Diem is not considered income, employers do not need to report it on their employees’ W-2 forms.

How is Per Diem Calculated for Truck Drivers?

The per diem for truck drivers differs from the per diem for other types of business travel. The IRS has a special set of rules for calculating the per diem for truck drivers. Basically, the per diem for truck drivers is a flat rate, regardless of where they are traveling. For 2022, truck drivers’ current per diem rate is $66 per day.

How to Calculate Per Diem Military

The per diem for military members differs from the per diem for other types of business travel. The Department of Defense (DOD) has a special set of rules for calculating the per diem for military members. For 2022, military members’ current per diem rate ranges from $155 to $800 per day.


Per diem is a way for employers to reimburse their employees for business travel expenses in a tax-free and convenient manner. There are a few guidelines that employees should follow when using per diem, such as keeping track of their expenses and only using the allowance for business expenses. Employers are not required to offer per diem, but it is a popular benefit among employees who travel for work. Looking for corporate lodging to house your employees while they travel? Globeo is the most trusted full-service lodging resource for mobile workforces today. We can find lodging rates to help optimize your employees’ per diems.

How To Avoid Jet Lag on Business Trips

If you’re like most business travelers, you dread jet lag. The fatigue, the disrupted sleep schedule, and the general feeling of being out of sorts can really put a damper on your trip. But there are ways to minimize the effects of jet lag and stay healthy and energized throughout your trip.

You can avoid jet lag on business trips by slowly adjusting your sleeping schedule to the new time zone, sleeping on the plane, avoiding caffeine/alcohol, staying hydrating, and eating nutrient-dense/healthy foods.

Jet lag usually lasts just a few days, but following our tips below can help you prevent and minimize the fatigue you might feel during your business travels. Read on for the 12 best tips to help you avoid jet lag on your next business trip.

What Is Jet Lag?

Jet lag is a condition that can be caused by traveling across multiple time zones. It is characterized by fatigue, insomnia, and other symptoms that make it difficult to adjust to a new time zone.

While jet lag can affect anyone, it is prevalent in business travelers who often travel across multiple time zones for work.

If you’re a business traveler, you know that jet lag can be a real pain. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to minimize its effects, which we’ll cover soon.

Why Jet Lag Happens

Jet lag happens because our bodies are used to a specific daily schedule. This schedule is known as our circadian rhythm.

When you travel across multiple time zones, you can disrupt your body’s natural circadian rhythm. This can lead to that familiar fatigue feeling as if you slept just one hour the night prior.

There are a few factors that can influence how severe your jet lag will be:

  • The number of time zones you travel: The more time zones you cross, the harder it will be for your body to adjust.
  • The direction of travel: It’s generally easier to adjust to a new time zone if you’re traveling eastward. This is because you’re effectively gaining time. Traveling westward is more difficult because you’re effectively losing time.
  • The amount of time you spend in the new time zone: If you’re only going to be in a new time zone for a short period of time, it will be easier to adjust than if you’re staying for an extended period.
  • Your age: Older adults tend to have more difficulty adjusting to new time zones than younger adults.
  • How you sleep on the plane: If you’re able to sleep on the plane, it may be easier to adjust to the new time zone.

Now that we know what jet lag is and why it happens let’s take a thorough look at the symptoms.

Symptoms of Jet Lag

The symptoms of jet lag can vary from person to person. They can also depend on the direction of travel and the number of time zones crossed.

Some common symptoms of jet lag include:

  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Headaches
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Dry mouth
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Anxiety
  • Lots of yawning

Jet lag is a real pain, but there are some things you can do to minimize its effects.

Best 10 Tips to Avoid Jet Lag on Business Trip

Here are the top ten tips to prevent jet lag during your next business trip.

Book a Good Seat on the Plane

When booking your flight, be sure to book a good seat. A window seat will allow you to rest your head against the wall and get some sleep. An aisle seat will give you more room to stretch out your legs.

Choose the seat type and location that is the most comfortable for you and will allow you to get the best possible sleep on the plane.

If you have a choice, choose a flight that arrives in the morning. This will help you to adjust to the new time zone more quickly. If you have to take a red-eye flight, try to sleep on the plane as much as possible.

Appropriate Dress Up

Dress comfortably for the flight. Wear loose-fitting clothes that are comfortable to sleep in. Avoid constrictive clothing, such as jeans or a tight belt.

And definitely don’t wear a suit and tie, even if you have a business meeting right after landing. Your suit will get wrinkly, and you won’t be comfortable. Plus, you can change at the airport when you land.

You may also want to bring a scarf or shawl to use as a blanket. And don’t forget your neck pillow!

Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine

It’s tempting to have a few drinks or a cup of coffee to help you stay awake on the plane. But alcohol and caffeine will actually make it harder for you to sleep.

So, avoid them as much as possible. If you do have a drink, make sure it’s not too close to your bedtime.

Turn off Screens

The light from screens can interfere with your sleep. So, turn off your phone, laptop, and other screens at least an hour before you want to sleep on the plane.

If you must use a screen, consider using blue light-filtering glasses. These glasses will help to reduce the amount of blue light that reaches your eyes, which tells your brain it is daytime and keeps you awake longer.

Carry Sleep Essentials

Pack some essential items to help you sleep on the plane. This might include an eye mask, earplugs, noise-canceling headphones, or a small blanket.

You might also want to bring along some lavender oil. Lavender has calming properties that can help you to relax and fall asleep more easily.

Try to Avoid Napping When you Reach your Destination

If you can, stay awake until it’s nighttime in your new location. This will help you to adjust to the new time zone more quickly.

If you’re exhausted, it’s better to take a short nap than to push yourself too hard and end up grumpy and exhausted for the rest of the day. Just make sure your nap is no longer than 20-30 minutes.

Expose Yourself to Light

Light exposure can help to reset your body’s internal clock. So, as soon as you wake up in the morning, open the curtains and let in some natural light.

You can also use a light therapy box for 30 minutes each day. This is especially helpful if you suffer from jet lag and have trouble sleeping at night.

Or, if it’s nighttime when you arrive, go for a walk outside. The fresh air will also help to wake you up.

Move Around

Sitting in one position for too long can make you stiff and uncomfortable. So, be sure to get up and move around every few hours.

Do some simple stretches in your seat. Or take a walk down the aisle. If you have time before your flight, go for a short jog or do some other exercises to get your blood flowing.

Eat for Energy

What you eat can also affect how jet-lagged you feel. So, be sure to eat foods that will give you energy and help you to stay awake.

Some good options include:
– whole grain bread
– oatmeal
– eggs
– fruits and vegetables
– lean protein, such as chicken or fish

And don’t overeat while you’re traveling. It can throw your digestive tract out of whack. Avoid sugary and processed foods too, which can make you feel sluggish.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water is always important. But it’s vital when you’re traveling.

Being dehydrated can make you feel tired and sluggish. So, be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

And avoid alcoholic and caffeinated beverages, which can actually cause dehydration. Instead, stick to water, juice, and herbal tea.

Adjust Your Schedule Slowly

Start adjusting your sleep schedule a few days before your trip, if possible. For example, if you’re traveling from New York to London, start going to bed and waking up an hour later each day.

This will help your body to adjust to the new time zone slowly. And it will make the transition easier on you when you finally make the trip.

Book a Comfortable Hotel Room

Make sure you book a hotel room that will help you to get a good night’s sleep. Look for a room that is quiet, dark, and cool. And make sure the bed is comfortable.

You might also want to request a room that is not near the elevator, pool, or ice machine. These can be noisy and make it difficult to sleep.

Frequently Asked Questions on Jet Lag

Here are some common questions about jet lag.

Does Taking Melatonin Work for Jet Lag?

Melatonin is a hormone that helps to regulate sleep. Taking melatonin supplements can help you to fall asleep more easily and stay asleep longer.

It’s especially effective if you suffer from jet lag and have trouble sleeping at night. Just be sure to take it at the right time. If you take it too early, it can actually make it harder to fall asleep.

When Will Jet Lag Go Away?

Most people start to feel better within a day or two. But some people may experience jet lag for up to a week or more.

If you’re still feeling jet lag after a week, you must talk to your doctor. There may be an underlying medical condition causing your symptoms.

How Do You Trick Your Brain to Avoid Jet Lag?

You can trick your brain into avoiding jet lag in a few different ways.

One way is to adjust your schedule slowly before you make the trip. For example, if you’re traveling from Las Angeles to New York a week before your trip, you can go to bed and wake up an hour later each day.

This will help your body to slowly adjust to the new time zone.

Another way is to expose yourself to natural light when you arrive at your destination. This can help to reset your body’s internal clock.

If it’s daytime when you arrive, go outside and walk around for a bit. And if it’s nighttime, open the curtains and let in as much light as possible.

You can also try to avoid napping during the day. This can help you to stay awake and adjust to the new time zone more quickly.

Does Flying Business Class Reduce Jet Lag?

There is some evidence that flying business class can help reduce jet lag.

One study found that people who flew business class had less jet lag than those who flew economy class.

The theory is that business class passengers have more leg room and can sleep more easily on long flights. This helps them to arrive at their destination more rested and less jet lagged.

If you’re concerned about jet lag, flying business or even first class may be worth the extra cost.

When Should I Call the Doctor?

If you’re still feeling jet lagged after a week, it’s important to talk to your doctor. You might have a medical condition or illness causing fatigue.

Your doctor will likely ask about your travel plans and how you feel. They may also order blood tests or other tests to rule out other conditions.


Jet lag can be a real pain, especially if you’re traveling for business. But by following these tips, you can minimize its effects and make your trip successful.

Don’t forget to adjust your schedule slowly before you travel, book a comfortable hotel room, and expose yourself to natural light when you arrive. And if all else fails, remember that most people start to feel better within a few days.

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